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How to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Building a website is easy but most of us fail when it comes to traffic. How then can we increase traffic to website?

This article will explore the different strategies to increase web traffic to your website for free.


The 7 strategies which can increase traffic to your website are:-

1) Optimize your online site for Search Engine:

Search engine like Google can only recognize the value of your website from its content. If you structure your website content properly that search engine can understand and that solve other people’s problems, the search engine will then give you the deserved credit.

2) Create back link to your website:

This actually builds the highway from other websites to yours. If there are many roads leading to your website then naturally there will be a lot of traffic coming to your website.

3) Find out where people related to your niche hang out:

It could be the forum, the blog site, the Face book or the twitter. Get to know them there. Find out their problem and help them. Tell them to check out your website.

4) Partner with your friends, colleague, etc to joint venture:

Strike a deal to drive your traffic to their site and have them drive theirs’ to yours.

5) Start a blog, Face book or tweet about your website:

Tell them what you do and how your website can help them to resolve their problem.

6) Write articles about your website:

Post them to article directories. Convert them to podcasts or video sites. Post them to podcast or video directories.

7) Submit to classified advertisements:

Many of these are free for use. However you have to be selective to get a responsive advertisement.


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