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9 Benefits of using Push Notification in MCommerce

In digital marketing, things keep evolving every single day. Whether it’s like new competitors or changes in customer preferences, this field keeps transforming.

As every company wants to provide Android and IOS mobile commerce apps fast and highly responsive over its competitors.

Technology advancements make the job easy today. Nowadays, marketers are searching for new updates and innovative tools to build their brand presence strongly. In this blog, we’re going to explore the benefits of Push Notifications in Mcommerce.

By the end, you’ll understand the big business benefits of a mobile push notification, marketers say it is one of the powerful marketing tools that businesses can use today.


The Benefits of Push Notifications in MCommerce 

With rising competition in the mobile commerce industry, it’s really tough to stand out from the crowd. But still, you can grow your business by communicating effectively with your customers.

It’s possible using push notifications, as it’s the best way to reach the right customers at the right time.

To be more specific, you can offer personalization with push notifications in your Mcommerce businesses. This helps to drive customer engagement in real-time.


1. One-Click Subscription

In mobile commerce the customer’s email list is like a cue card, but the fact is it’s not so easy to get an email address from every customer and push API by sending notification. However, you don’t need an email address to send push notifications, which is an added advantage. Also, you don’t need to collect any of your customer’s information to send effective push notifications.

Customers can subscribe to your messages with just a single click. This indicates that they don’t need to give any of their personal information, and at the same time, you get instant subscribers with a single click.

Push notifications are really helpful for an easy, one-click subscription to communicate brand messages using android or ios devices.


2. You Can Reach Many New Customers 


By using web push notifications, you can attract the attention of your visitors and convert them into loyal customers.

You can offer them all the possibilities to stay updated with your valuable content without their email address. Customers will be tempted by such a proposition, and many new customers will revert back to your mobile commerce application.

You can easily build brand awareness using push notifications, especially compared to email.

By partnering with us, you can engage thousands of visitors in an instant. Our best mobile application developers can help you to gain a bigger audience in an instant and offer a better user experience.


3. Retarget Your Customers


One of the challenging things to deal with mobile commerce is abandoned carts. Using mobile apps, you can reduce this problem by 97%, and here are a few reasons why online shoppers abandon their  carts including,

  • High shipping costs
  • Hidden costs
  • A confusing checkout process

However, marketers have found out that push notifications are really more effective than other options, especially in dealing with higher open rates and click rates.

For example, La Redoute, as fashion e-commerce has analyzed personalized push notifications to reduce these cart abandonment, and their statistics show it’s highly successful, as the clickthrough rate generated 3 times more than their classic mobile ads expense.

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4. Remind Customers About Your Brand

Once customers subscribe to your push notifications, you get the opportunity to communicate with them on their mobiles directly, even when they are not using your mobile app.

You can find any other marketing tool better than push notifications that work as a direct channel for marketers.

As customers can still read your notification on their mobile devices directly, without logging into an email or any other apps.

A report by Responsys says, 50% of mobile users subscribe to push notifications for special promotions and exclusive offers.

You can use push notifications to remind your customers about your brand even when they aren’t on your app.


5. Effective Brand Messaging


Online shoppers show more interest when you send personalized content and opt in to receiving it. Because they like the personal touch and care that brands offer their customers.

Personalized marketing is the premium way to engage with the customer now, more brands have adapted to provide tailor-made content for their audience.

This type of push notification turns your subscribers into potential customers. By personalizing your push notifications, you can increase your open rates 400 percent more. 

For personalized content, you can analyze your customer behaviour and their order history to recommend more personalized products.

We use this method for our clients, including geo-targeting and analyse user history to recommend users according to their interests. This strategy helped our clients to earn higher conversion rates.

RELATED READS: 7 Ways of M-Commerce Business to Make Revenue


6. Brand Consistency 

Push Notifications help to maintain brand consistency. The admin can create his brand awareness by sending push-notifications consistently to the mobile application users. 

As I have mentioned earlier, It’s one of the best channels available to communicate between owners and your mobile application users. Using push notifications, you can always stay in touch with your brand users.


7. Fast delivery & fast response

Push notifications are one of the fastest delivery methods to target your users and it also helps you to get a fast response from your user. This fast response can be highly beneficial for your businesses to reach a wide range of audiences.


8. Track User Behavior 

One of the major benefits of using push notifications is that you can track user behaviour. Brands can collect this data from user’s opt-in rates, page viewing time, viewed product pages, etc. 

This strategy helps businesses to understand their audience better, and it helps to launch campaigns for their products successfully.


9. Performs in Standby mode 

Whenever you send the push notifications to your mobile application users. Your mobile application users will receive these push notifications even when their mobile phone is in sleep/standby mode. 

Moreover, if your app users are using other applications or functions of the mobile, still you can connect with them using push notifications.

For example, If your mobile application user is watching Netflix on his/her mobile phone. He/she still can receive push notifications without disturbing their movie time.

Also, if your customer’s mobile phone is in sleep mode. He/she can still receive push notifications when they unlock the mobile phone.


Bottom Line 

When you take the time to create your personalized push notifications, you can connect with your users effectively.

This form of marketing helps businesses to reach customers at a cheap expense, quick, and easiest way than email or social media.

Therefore, to conclude push notifications have a lot of promise in modern marketing.

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